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The Mediterranean diet is the best diet to keep weight in check and improve overall heart health. The diet is based upon foods traditionally eaten in Greece and Southern Italy. Studies have shown this region has lower instances of stroke, heart attack and cholesterol problems than the rest of the...
Massage therapy is a therapeutic technique that has been used to treat pain and injuries safely for centuries. It offers excellent complimentary treatment to chiropractic manipulative therapy.Most musculoskeletal complaints involve both a soft-tissue and an articular component. Take headaches for example: people who suffer from frequent headache often have both...
It’s mid-afternoon and you’re having trouble keeping your eyes open. You have no energy, and your cognitive function is low. All you want to do is go to sleep. But is napping good for you?A lot of people nap. A recent Australian study found that 50% of people reported taking...
Benefits of Cardiovascular ExerciseWhat is cardio? It takes many forms, but in general, cardiovascular exercise is any repetitive activity that involves the major muscle groups of the body, increases heart rate and increases respiration. Some common examples are running, swimming, tennis, and work on an elliptical machine. For best results,...
Does Heat Make it Harder to Think?As the summer heats up here in SoFlo, do you find yourself struggling more to remember things? Do tasks that took you a few minutes in January take longer in June? As it turns out, heat may affect cognitive function. Studies have shown that...
Should I Use Heat or Ice on This?I am often asked by patients whether it is best to use heat or ice on their complaints. While there is some variation in application depending on the specific nature of a complaint, a good rule-of-thumb is the 72-Hour Rule.The 72-Hour Rule is...
Headaches have long been one of my favorite conditions to treat. Why? Because those who suffer from them know that headaches are one of the most painful, debilitating and depressing medical complaints. They can ruin your day and rule your life. Fortunately, they can be treated very effectively with chiropractic...
There are numerous physical complaints a mother-to-be can have during pregnancy: back pain, neck pain, pelvic pain, swollen feet, pain in the buttocks…, the list goes on. Many women seek help from their OBGYN, only to find their options limited. Most OBs won’t prescribe medication -- for good reason –...
“Don’t crack your knuckles, it’ll give you arthritis!” That might be something your mom or grandma has told you since you were a wee tot. Every week I have patients ask me about this very thing. Your hands feel stiff, you give them a nice flex, and “pop!”, relief. But...
“Why am I so stiff and sore all the time?” A question many people ask themselves on a daily basis. Some think it’s just part of getting older. And while age does play a role in joint stiffness, a larger factor may be inflammation.Inflammation is the body’s response to things...
Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that affects millions of people. It is caused by inflammation or tightening of the foot's plantar fascia - a layer of tough connective tissue on the bottom (plantar) aspect of the foot. It generally presents as an intense, burning pain on the bottom of...
I am often asked by patients, "what kind of pillow should I be using?" This question generally comes after someone has been suffering from neck pain, and is having trouble getting comfortable, falling asleep, or staying asleep.The simple aswer to that question is: there is no such thing as the...